Cumberland Winds to play for Pops in the Park by Jennifer P. Brown May 27, 2021 The concert will be June 12 at DeBow Recreational Complex.
State veterans official to speak at Hopkinsville’s Memorial Day service by Jennifer P. Brown May 25, 2021 The service will begin at 7 a.m. Monday at Kentucky Veterans Cemetery-West, 5817 Fort Campbell Blvd.
Military and families invited to tour local museums at no charge by Jennifer P. Brown May 24, 2021 The Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County is participating in the Blue Star Museums program through Labor Day.
City announces live music series for downtown by Jennifer P. Brown May 24, 2021 The first event, featuring the Xtraordinary Gentlemen, coincides with the Squealin' on the Square BBQ Festival on June 4.
Hoptown Hoppers will be featured during History on Tap at the brewery by Jennifer P. Brown May 19, 2021 The Hoppers team mascot, Stitches, will be present May 25 for the first in-person History on Tap in more than a year.
Arts camp set for June 7-11 at Alhambra by Jennifer P. Brown May 17, 2021 The camp is for children ages 7 to 12.
Public library will curate book picks for patrons by Jennifer P. Brown May 11, 2021 Staff members select a Book Bundle based on the reader's responses to several questions.
Downtown streets closing Friday for Picnic with Pops by Jennifer P. Brown May 6, 2021 Sixth Street beside the Arthur Square parking lot will be closed at 2 p.m., followed by the closure of Main Street between Fifth and Seventh streets at 4 p.m.
Squealin’ on the Square set for June 4 by Jennifer P. Brown May 3, 2021 Up to 10 barbecue teams will compete for cash prizes.
Arts council reschedules Casey James concert by Jennifer P. Brown April 28, 2021 James, an "American Idol" finalist, will perform at the Alhambra Theatre on June 12.
Public invited to program on Hopkinsville church’s artistic connection to faith by Jennifer P. Brown April 19, 2021 The program is scheduled for April 28 at Cumberland Presbyterian Church on Fairview Drive.
Public library slates book sale by Jennifer P. Brown April 6, 2021 The price is $5 for a sackful of books.