City is restarting curbside recycling by Jennifer P. Brown July 27, 2021 Beginning Monday, Aug. 2, customers should put out the recycling container on their regular garbage collection day.
City hires New Era reporter for marketing job by Jennifer P. Brown July 26, 2021 Taylor Duke, who has been a reporter at the newspaper since January, will start her new job with the city on Aug. 2.
Pandemic relief money announced for outlying cities by Jennifer P. Brown July 22, 2021 More than $2 million combined is allocated for Oak Grove, Pembroke, Crofton and LaFayette.
Tribble appoints Brad Hewell as county jailer by Jennifer P. Brown July 21, 2021 Hewell will fill the vacancy left by Jailer Brad Boyd when he retires on July 31.
Nonpartisan elections panel to meet Thursday by Jennifer P. Brown July 5, 2021 The 12-member committee is slated to review and discuss state laws relevant to local elections.
HWEA resumes drive-thru business at its main office by Jennifer P. Brown June 30, 2021 The utility will discontinue drive-thru service it used during the pandemic at the Forbes Building.
Courthouse returns to normal hours by Jennifer P. Brown June 23, 2021 Repairs to the courthouse's air conditioning system were completed Monday.
Christian County Justice Center will be closed Friday afternoon by Jennifer P. Brown June 2, 2021 The building will be closed to the public because of concrete work planned at the entrance.
Nonpartisan elections panel slates 1st meeting by Jennifer P. Brown May 27, 2021 The 12-member committee, appointed by Mayor Wendell Lynch, will meet June 3.
City hall, local courtrooms, other public facilities easing coronavirus restrictions by Jennifer P. Brown May 20, 2021 Most government office buildings will not longer require masks or temperature checks.
Leadership program accepting applications by Jennifer P. Brown May 7, 2021 The deadline to apply is June 1.
Lynch will present city budget recommendations Friday by Jennifer P. Brown May 4, 2021 City council will considering the 2021-22 spending plan during Committee of the Whole meetings later in the month.