Western Ky Storms

On Dec. 10-11, Western Kentucky was ravaged by two destructive long-track tornadoes. The first — an EF4 — clipped the northwest corner of Christian County remained on the ground for more than 165 miles. Two and a half hours later, an EF-2 “took straight aim for the city of Pembroke” and South Christian County, where it caused significant property damage. Then, just weeks later on New Year’s Day, an EF-2 traveled for about a mile through downtown Hopkinsville.

Explore Hoptown Chronicle’s coverage in the days, weeks and months that followed — chronicling initial reports, resident reactions and ongoing recovery efforts.

Hazard climatologists Alisa Hass and Kelsey Ellis explain the conditions that generated the outbreak of powerful tornadoes Friday night into Saturday — including what may be the first “quad-state tornado” in the U.S. — and why the Southeast is vulnerable to these disasters year-round, especially at night.