The Murray-Calloway County Hospital announced on Monday that it’s continuing to offer critical care and ventilator usage in “nontraditional care locations” as part of its “disaster plans.”
McConnell told reporters that "money is not the problem" when it comes to dealing with the pandemic, including the most recent surge in hospitalizations, pointing to the most recent $1.9 trillion rescue plan passed earlier this year. Instead, he said, "The reluctance of people to get vaccinated is the problem."
Republican House Speaker David Osborne said several legislators are reviewing a list of pandemic priorities sent over by the governor, who is the only one with the power to call a special session.
Lawyers for Beshear and GOP Senate President Robert Stivers asked Franklin Circuit Court for 10 days to come up with an agreed plan before the court vacates the ruling.
Transy joins a handful of private colleges requiring the vaccine, including Berea College. So far, no public universities in Kentucky are requiring vaccinations.