Alhambra concert to feature Nashville musicians playing the best music of 1971 by Jennifer P. Brown June 6, 2019 A band devoted to the idea that 1971 was the greatest year in music will perform Saturday at the Alhambra and record a live CD during the show. Tickets are still available.
Want to know more about clairvoyant Edgar Cayce? Here’s your chance … and have a beer while you’re learning by Jennifer P. Brown April 9, 2019 Edgar Cayce has been called the father of holistic medicine, a medical clairvoyant and the sleeping prophet. Learn why at the next History on Tap.
Adolph Rupp performer coming to public library by Jennifer P. Brown March 5, 2019 Dr. Edward B. Smith, who teaches theater and film at Georgetown College, will portray Adolph Rupp on March 11, at the Hopkinsville library.
‘To me, she’s Gloria Jean’ by Jennifer P. Brown February 22, 2019 Gwenda Motley, a retired educator, spoke about her sister, feminist author bell hooks, during History on Tap at Hopkinsville Brewing Co.
Snow is the best, but not only, prediction for Saturday Christmas parade by Jennifer P. Brown December 6, 2018 If the city catches a break, it'll be snow – and not rain – that will fall during the annual Christmas parade on Saturday.
Street closures planned for Saturday’s Christmas parade by Jennifer P. Brown December 3, 2018 Residents should plan for street closures from 2:30 to 7 p.m. Saturday in downtown Hopkinsville during the annual Christmas parade.