Readers help Hoptown Chronicle set NewsMatch record

Thanks to the generous support of readers, Hoptown Chronicle raised more than $41,000 to support local, independent journalism for Hopkinsville and Christian County.

Hoptown Chronicle is excited to report that we have reached our $20,000 fundraising goal for NewsMatch and qualified for $19,000 in matching funds. This support ensures local, independent journalism will continue to make a difference in Hopkinsville and Christian County and there’s nothing more inspiring to us than that. 

Between Nov. 1 and Dec. 31, 232 donors contributed $22,437, up from $14,862 from 187 contributors last year. Thanks to NewsMatch, a collective fundraising campaign designed to transform how communities support public service and investigative journalism, $15,000 will be matched. Plus, $4,000 will be matched twice thanks to a special grant we received for coverage of elections, voting rights, and local and statewide government.

These matching funds helped generate a grand total of $41,437. It’s by far Hoptown Chronicle’s most successful NewsMatch campaign since launching in 2019 and further underscores how much readers value fact-based, nonprofit news of coverage Hopkinsville and Christian County. 

Hoptown Chronicle is an independent, nonprofit news outlet that is dedicated to providing fair, fact-based reporting for people who care about Hopkinsville, Kentucky. We believe that public service journalism serves the community's social, cultural and economic wellbeing by fostering knowledge, connection and meaning.