The letter, which is signed by Jennie Stuart CEO Eric Lee, Medical Staff President Michael Murray and Medical Group Vice President Keith Toms, pleads with the public to take extra measures to be diligent in the fight against coronavirus in order to avoid a "situation where hospitals are full."
The alleged threat was made in a comment to a Facebook post about a Hopkinsville restaurant losing its food service permit in a dispute about coronavirus regulations.
You won’t find these gifts in a big box store or from giant online retailers. They all come from a local entrepreneur, a longtime business interest in our community or a not-for-profit organization.
Researchers said downtown revitalization of commercial corridors outside metropolitan areas can foster economic revival for small businesses and make small cities more equitable, dynamic and resilient.
The opening comes just in time for the virtual Turkey Trot. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, it will be run, or walked, independently rather than as a large group event on Thanksgiving morning.
The plant, in business since 1966, is currently 250,000 square feet. When the 30,000-square-foot expansion is completed, it will increase the plant’s employment to 205 workers.