While county health officials have enforcement authority, a Marshall County official also said the county lacks the manpower to conduct robust field operations in support of the order.
The governor warns almost daily that a main reason Kentuckians need to stop spreading the novel coronavirus and bring case numbers down is to keep the state's health care system from being overwhelmed – and there are already signs that that is beginning to happen.
On most days, the public’s knowledge of COVID-19 patients in the Hopkinsville hospital is limited to the number who are being treated, but Wallace's son wanted to share more so his story might help people understand how dangerous the virus can be.
Members of the Christian Medical and Dental Associations who work in hospitals are warning that the pandemic has stressed the medical system to a possible breaking point.
Public health officials are urging the public to take precautions to slow the spread of coronavirus so the health care system doesn't become more overwhelmed than it already is.
Elected officials and health leaders worry that lagging red zone compliance, attributed in part to “pandemic fatigue,” is contributing to the startling increase in COVID-19 cases across the region.
Health experts are encouraging people to scale back holiday gatherings to just those in their immediate household, or to practice what epidemiologists call "harm reduction" if they choose to gather.
The CDC report says that mask mandates "can help avert future lockdowns," especially if combined with "social distancing, hand hygiene and adequate ventilation."
The senator noted that Kentucky had its highest-ever daily total of new cases, 2,700, and that the percentage of Kentuckians testing positive for the virus is the highest since early May at 8.12%.