Cory Ramsey, who's already traveled to every Kentucky county at least twice, has launched another statewide tour to find and highlight the state's rural places.
Candidates for Kentucky governor — Democratic challenger Andy Beshear and Republican incumbent Matt Bevin — had the spotlight among several speakers running for office.
This year’s featured guests include Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Gov. Matt Bevin, Attorney General Andy Beshear and candidates for statewide offices like secretary of state, state auditor and agriculture commissioner.
The statue commemorates Logan County native Alice Allison Dunnigan, who was the first African-American woman to get press credentials to cover the White House.
Stuart's memoir begins in Murray, in 1954, goes on to his recovery in the local hospital, and then chronicles readjustment to a sedentary life at home where he heals from a serious heart attack.
All Democrats voted against the proposal and were joined by nine Republicans. The bill could pass out of the Senate by Wednesday, Republican leaders said.
House Bill 1 would allow regional universities and "quasi" state agencies to avoid a massive spike in pension costs and incentivize them to freeze pension benefits for their employees and move them into 401k-type retirement plans.
The attorney general charges that the governor's proclamation calling lawmakers into special session is too narrowly drawn and doesn't allow the General Assembly to consider alternate proposals for dealing with the pension crisis.