The public can see the American LaFrance firetruck, along with other fire and transportation relics, at the Woody Winfree Fire and Transportation Museum in downtown Hopkinsville.
The station manager for WKMS will participate in an immersive design thinking process in-person at NPR’s Washington, D.C. headquarters for at least four of the 16-week rotation, while contributing remotely for the remainder.
Organizers hope to attract 1,000 runners for the half marathon and 5K on Sept. 28. The races will coincide with the Hoptown HarvestFest and Military Affairs Committee Chili Cook-off in downtown Hopkinsville.
The statue commemorates Logan County native Alice Allison Dunnigan, who was the first African-American woman to get press credentials to cover the White House.
Stuart's memoir begins in Murray, in 1954, goes on to his recovery in the local hospital, and then chronicles readjustment to a sedentary life at home where he heals from a serious heart attack.
Members of the Hopkinsville Art Guild took advantage of a pleasant Saturday morning to paint at Virginia Park. Their work, and others, will be part of an exhibit in January.
“Honor Thy Father,” by Hopkinsville attorney Jason Holland, features several local locations, including Ferrell’s, The Wood Shed BBQ Restaurant and Corner Coffeehouse.
The Woodstock Rock Orkestra will play music of Led Zeppelin, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and many others of the era in the concert to benefit the Pennyroyal Arts Council.