This Thanksgiving can be for the birds

Studies show birds bring happiness and improve our wellbeing.

For Thanksgiving weekend, here’s some bird-lover fan service that isn’t all turkey talk:

Did you know? Gray owls can hear voles buried under two feet of snow. New research is unraveling the clever design of this gorgeous owl.

Birds don’t wear shoes, but some bird feet can inspire new designs. Check out the footwear on the American Coot’s “wonderfully weird feet.”

Chocolate and Chip are two North Carolina turkeys who are still chatting it up thanks to President Biden’s pardon. They seemed grateful.

turkeys at white house
The 2022 National Thanksgiving Turkeys, Chocolate and Chip, received pardons from President Joe Biden on Monday, Nov. 21, at the White House. (White House photo | CC BY 3.0 US)

Sometimes you can’t make more money, but you can go out and start bird-watching. Look up! It’s free and as good as cash.

Reading the news can sometimes lead to a spiral of despair. Let it go by getting into birds.

Get ready to rumble and show your team spirit with these inspirational players.

Happy Thanksgiving AND don’t forget to mark your 2023 calendar for the Great Backyard Bird Count Feb. 17-20!