The governor won the election against his Republican challenger, Attorney General Daniel Cameron with 53% to Cameron’s 47% of the vote, according to unofficial returns.
During last week’s early voting period, from Thursday to Saturday, more than 260,000 Kentuckians cast ballots, according to the State Board of Elections.
All three major automakers have established or are building electric vehicle manufacturing plants and battery plants in Southern states, with many of the facilities being placed in rural, Black communities.
Passage of the PACT Act opened benefits eligibility for up to 3.5 million post-9/11 veterans, and for those who served during the Vietnam and Cold War eras.
The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments next week in a pivotal firearms case that could have profound implications for how police and courts deal with domestic violence.
The poll also asked voters if they “support or oppose Kentucky’s current laws that ban abortion in nearly all cases, with no exception for rape or incest.”
Murray has been home to Terrapin Station for more than 35 years, but no other store that specializes in new and used vinyl records has found success in far Western Kentucky in recent years.
Kentuckians who don’t have coverage through an employer, Medicare, Medicaid, the Kentucky Children’s Health Insurance Program, or the Pentagon's Tricare program can shop for individual coverage on Kynect.
The KET debate was the only joint appearance for Democratic Lt. Gov. Jacqueline Coleman and Republican state Sen. Robby Mills ahead of the Nov. 7 general election.