Rep. Jason Petrie, R-Elkton, who chairs House Appropriations and Revenue, said the plan invests taxpayer resources with the goal of getting a return on each investment that will further benefit Kentuckians.
Among concerns of Republican U.S. House lawmakers was the Pentagon’s roughly $114 million request for the programs in the military’s $884 billion authorized, but not yet funded, budget.
Craig Richardson, a Hopkinsville attorney, will represent Senate District 3 after he was the lone candidate to file for the seat that Sen. Whitney Westerfield will not seek again at the end of his current term.
The Republican Party of Kentucky’s central committee narrowly approved a resolution by secret ballot, but House Speaker David Osborne said “it will not be our intent” to call the resolution in the House.
Senate Majority Whip Mike Wilson, wants to discourage diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) policies that he says “divide instead of unite people” in higher education.
Starting in 2025, Kentucky doctors can legally prescribe medical cannabis to patients with one of seven qualifying conditions, including cancer. But Beshear wants to expand the list to 21 to include ailments.