Cameron, whose one term as attorney general ended in January, is now CEO of a group opposed to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices among corporations.
Part of the work includes $14 million for temporary structures where the House and Senate will meet while renovation of the 120-year-old building is underway.
Al Cross is leaving the University of Kentucky as the Director Emeritus of the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, which he co-founded with former newspaper publisher Al Smith.
Various national media outlets have reported that Kentucky's second-term governor is on the list of Democrats that Harris is vetting to be her running mate.
Adams was chosen by his peers in the National Association of Secretaries of State to co-chair its Elections Committee, along with Democratic Secretary of State Gregg Amore of Rhode Island.
The federal funding includes money for temporary housing, repairs and low cost loans for residents of Christian, Todd and Trigg counties, among others.
Tilley, originally from Hopkinsville, is a former state representative and was secretary of the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet in former Gov. Matt Bevin's administration.