Opening weekend for LBL is coming up in early April, and officials are working to ensure that visitors aren’t impacted by tornado damage during their visit.
The Senate Republican Leader, during a meeting in Hopkinsville, spoke about a scaled-down infrastructure package and other topics, including inflation, a shortage of workers and funding for LBL.
The LBL BioBlitz is a citizens' science project in which community members document flora and fauna found in Land Between the Lakes via the iNaturalist app.
The latest installment of the Land Between the Lakes Wildlife Report features the largest (and busiest) rodent of the Land Between the Lakes area: the beaver.
LBL’s recommendation to scale down operations at The Homeplace met swift backlash from community members, natives of Between the Rivers, and the Friends of Land Between the Lakes, the recreation area’s nonprofit partner that staffs and handles programming at the farm.
Fiscal constraints are nothing new to LBL, which was managed by the Tennessee Valley Authority before it was transferred to the U.S. Forest Service in 1999. No matter which agency has been in charge, the national recreation area has been clobbered by budget cuts over the years.
The plan calls for a reduction in staffing and services at the farm beginning when the facility reopens for the season in March 2021. Animals and crops will be reduced and some live demonstrations will be cut.