The Daily Yonder asked rural scholars and organizers to envision how we might get to a democracy that better engages and represents the needs of rural people and places. Here’s what they said.
Competing political issue committees have raised millions of dollars that will be spent on ads supporting and opposing a ballot referendum asking whether Kentucky should amend its constitution to allow public funds to go to private and charter schools.
In addition to the candidate forums, the league's voter education efforts this fall will include a meeting with County Clerk Melinda Humphries and a meet and greet event for voters and candidates.
When it comes to managing election interference, 'think local,' said officials at a National Conference of State Legislatures’ Legislative Summit." Elections are run by neighbors, not 'overlords.'
At a Louisville gathering of lawmakers from across the U.S. — including Kentucky state Sen. Whitney Westerfield — concerns were raised about deep fakes and misinformation via AI.
A controversial amendment to alter the Kentucky Constitution is on the ballot in November. Amendment 2 would allow the state legislature to use public funds on education outside of public schools.