The Kentucky Court of Appeals vacancy, created by Shea Nickell's election to the state Supreme Court, will be filed by either Chris McNeill or Jenny Hines following the general election.
The president proposed a $1.8 trillion package, and has urged Republican lawmakers to “go big or go home” on a new bill. Speaking Thursday in Princeton, McConnell said Republican senators want to stick to the smaller plan.
Early, in-person voting continues this week at the sheriff's department. Beginning next week, voters can go to the sheriff's department or the senior center.
This guide for voters includes responses from 8th House candidates Pam Dossett (D) and Walker Thomas (R), from 4th House candidates Alonzo Pennington (D) and Austin Valentine Jr. (I), and 3rd Senate candidate Whitney Westerfield (R).
Christian County Clerk Mike Kem says that up-close experience with the virus has emphasized to him the importance of having people vote early in person this election.
Jennifer P. Brown
To help voters keep all the city races and candidates straight, Hoptown Chronicle has compiled a list with basic biographical information about each one running for office.
McConnell touted his role in helping advance the first coronavirus relief package in March, but McGrath blamed him for not passing a new coronavirus relief bill after the Democratic-led House advanced one in late May.