Special Saturday opening at The Corner Coffeehouse will benefit Walk to End Alzheimer’s

The coffeehouse will be open from 9 a.m. to noon on Sept. 14 to raise funds ahead of the Alzheimer's walk on Oct. 5.

The Corner Coffeehouse, 1100 S. Main St., will have a special Saturday opening — from 9 a.m. to noon on Sept. 14 — to benefit the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. 

Walk participants and members of the general public are invited to the coffeehouse to purchase coffee and pastries — and a portion of the sales will be donated to the fundraiser, an organizer said. In addition, there will be a donation bucket and an informational table for anyone wanting to support the effort. 

The Corner Coffeehouse is in the Pennyroyal Building at 11th and South Main streets. (Hoptown Chronicle photo by Jennifer P. Brown)

This year’s Pennyrile Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be Saturday, Oct. 5. Walkers will meet at 9 a.m. at the Christian County Justice Center. The opening ceremony is set for 10 a.m.

Information about participating is available by contacting Danita Reiner-Ward at 270-320-8486. Her email address is dareigerward@alz.org.

As of Aug. 20, there were 91 walk participants on 37 teams — and they had raised $24,876 toward a $60,000 goal. 

Money raised through the walk goes to the Alzheimer’s Association, which provides support and research. 

Alzheimer’s disease causes memory loss, cognitive decline and behavioral changes. A progressive neurodegenerative disorder, it affects an estimated 7 million people in the United States. More than 11 million people are providing unpaid care for those affected, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. 

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