Nominations sought for city’s Holiday Decorations Contest

The deadline to nominate a business or a residence is Dec. 13.

The city’s annual Holiday Decorations Contest is underway, and local residents are being asked to nominate Hopkinsville businesses and homes for recognition.

Christmas decorations light up Dallas Brawner’s Furniture store last year on East Ninth Street. (Photo by Jennifer P. Brown)

Awards for Best Decorated Residence will go to 12 homes — one in each of the 12 city council wards. And one Best Decorated Business will be awarded.

Anyone may nominate a home or business by calling Hopkinsville Public Works at 270-890-0703, or by going to the city website or the Hopkinsville Beautification Facebook page.

Judging will be based on “use of decorations, creativity and theme,” Heather Braun, commission coordinator, announced in a news release.

The deadline for nominations is 4 p.m. Dec. 13. The winners will be announced at the Dec. 17 Hopkinsville City Council meeting and be recognized in the Kentucky New Era and on the Beautification Commission’s Facebook page and website.

“The goal of the Holiday Decorations Contest is to recognize the efforts of Hopkinsville residents and businesses that encourage community pride and holiday spirit,” Braun said.

Last year’s winners were:

  • Ward 1: Catherine Weston, 1408 Summit St.
  • Ward 2: John Collins, 926 Owen Drive
  • Ward 3: Karen Lewis, 1135 Sanderson Drive
  • Ward 4: Jack and Velma Crawford, 800 Bluebird Court
  • Ward 5: Sam Richardson, 1110 Black Oak Court
  • Ward 6: Douglas Matthew Scott, 921 Springmont Drive
  • Ward 7: Philip Tillman, 385 Martin Place
  • Ward 8: Donald and Starla Abernathy, 417 Lucky Debonair
  • Ward 9: Carolyn and Kent Sutton, 1203 Cates St.
  • Ward 10: Steve and Carole Keel, 2414 S. Main St.
  • Ward 11: Jeff and Jill Radford, 2613 Florence St.
  • Ward 12: Barbara Sholar, 1922 S. Main St.
  • Commercial Business Winner: J. Schrecker Jewelry, 909 S. Main St.

Jennifer P. Brown is co-founder, publisher and editor of Hoptown Chronicle. You can reach her at Brown was a reporter and editor at the Kentucky New Era, where she worked for 30 years. She is a co-chair of the national advisory board to the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, governing board past president for the Kentucky Historical Society, and co-founder of the Kentucky Open Government Coalition. She serves on the Hopkinsville History Foundation's board.