The new law would allow Kentucky to issue medical cannabis licenses to businesses as early as this summer, increasing the odds that cannabis will be available for patients at dispensaries beginning 2025.
Republican supermajorities in both legislative chambers overrode two dozen vetoes of bills and a resolution, including overriding nearly all line-item vetoes of budgetary bills funding state government.
Westerfield cited polling that found 76% of Republican primary voters “think Kentucky lawmakers should work to prevent gun violence, including working to keep Kentuckians going through a mental health crisis from harming themselves or others.”
House Bill 509 is “a wink and a nod — tacit permission for public officials to use their personal devices when they want to keep public business on the down low, just among themselves, the insiders,” writes Jamie Lucke.
The undisclosed complaints brought five city officials, including Mayor James R. Knight Jr., to the meeting with personal attorneys on hand to represent them.