Hopkinsville Greenway pedestrian bridge reopens by Jennifer P. Brown September 28, 2022 The bridge was closed Wednesday after city officials were made aware of cracks in the bridge’s retaining wall.
Demand for senior housing in Hopkinsville exceeds available apartments and condos by Zirconia Alleyne Vansauwa September 16, 2022 There are six apartment buildings plus garden homes and condos for senior citizens in the city but many have long waiting lists for new tenants.
Return to Eclipseville: Checking in with downtown Hopkinsville’s revival by Jennifer P. Brown August 21, 2022 Five years after the world beat a path to Eclipseville, how does downtown Hopkinsville shape up in the view of locals?
Bourbon boom has downsides for neighbors; aging whiskey feeds unsightly fungus by The Rural Blog August 21, 2022 Kentucky author and environmental advocate Wendell Berry is among those raising concerns about the long-term impact of bourbon operations.
Jennie Stuart starts $32M project to expand ER and renovate cancer center by Hoptown Chronicle August 4, 2022 The project is expected to be completed in 2024.
Beshear announces $310M development in Hopkinsville to create 250 jobs by Jennifer P. Brown August 1, 2022 Ascend Elements Inc., a privately held Massachusetts company, uses recycled lithium-ion batteries to manufacture materials for electric vehicle batteries.
Kentucky tourism industry getting $75 million infusion to curb COVID impact by Zacharie Lamb July 26, 2022 Funding will be distributed to eligible tourism and destination marketing organizations that can show the impact COVID has had on their group.
Dry counties, where the sale of alcohol is illegal, are increasingly rare in Kentucky by The Rural Blog July 11, 2022 Efforts to boost tourism and the acceptance of alcohol among more churchgoers has helped reduce the number of dry counties to just 10.
Hopkinsville airport receives FAA grant by Hoptown Chronicle July 2, 2022 The $49,733 grant will help pay for construction of a new apron at the airport.
Pennyrile Electric receives nearly $14 million for internet service expansion by Jennifer P. Brown June 20, 2022 More than 5,500 homes and businesses could receive high-speed internet in Christian, Caldwell, Lyon, Todd and Trigg counties.
Downtown deli will shift to a food truck business by Jennifer P. Brown June 15, 2022 Southern Belle Deli at Fifth and Main streets will close at the end of June.
Christian County Young Professional nominations sought by Hoptown Chronicle June 2, 2022 Nominees, between ages 21 and 40, should be involved in Hopkinsville Young Professionals Engage.