Super PACs are unlike traditional political action committees because they can accept contributions of unlimited amounts but cannot contribute directly to or coordinate with a candidate’s campaign.
Amid a flurry of anti-DEI legislation in the General Assembly, Beshear said “diversity is an asset” and makes Kentucky “more welcoming” to companies that might relocate to the state.
Rep. Lindsey Burke hopes being transparent about her rape at 17 and experiencing a miscarriage later in life, then a complicated twin pregnancy, appeal to lawmakers who “really do believe, sincerely, in the right to life.”
The bill's sponsor said it will give kids freedom to do as they will, as long as it's silent, with a parent’s guidance. Opponents say it is prayer by another name.
The Kentucky Association of School Administrators says 96% of respondents said the “proposed budget increase will not enable the district to attract and retain teachers.”
The legislation seeks to amend the state Constitution to give the General Assembly the ability to give dollars to “the education of students outside the system of common schools,” or non-public schools.
Kentucky's Republican secretary of state warned of possible court challenges to the legislation, stating there has been no evidence of fraud in use of college IDs.