Business owners and their allies are launching a holiday project called the Trail of Trees Walking Tour to complement new downtown revitalization efforts in Hopkinsville.
The idea is to get downtown building and business owners to display decorated Christmas trees in their front windows in time for Small Business Saturday on Nov. 25.
“Imagine how gorgeous a stroll through the downtown area would be if every storefront were filled with beautifully decorated Christmas trees,” Downtown Renaissance Director Holly Boggess wrote in an email announcing the project.

The idea grew out of Hopkinsville’s response to consultant Jeff Siegler’s Revitalize or Die program. Siegler was in Hopkinsville in mid-September to give his assessment of the downtown district and suggest ways to continue improvements that have gained steam in the past decade. Planters Bank sponsored his work here.
In his book “Your City is Sick,” Siegler advocates for civic pride and for attacking apathy through “relentless, incremental” action. That approach has gained traction with a group of downtown business owners and others interested in revitalization who meet to tackle cleanup projects and discuss ideas for improvements.
“It’s a simple thing you can do — decorate a tree in your storefront area and let me know you plan on doing so by Nov. 10,” Boggess wrote. “Then have your tree on display no later than Nov. 25, and you’ve made downtown Hopkinsville a destination for the Trail of Trees Walking Tour.”
Boggess said her office will create a map showing the location of participants — and it will be distributed during Small Business Saturday and shared on social media.
“Prefer to do other holiday decorations besides a tree? Go for it!! Just let me know you want to participate,” she wrote.
Boggess also asked that businesses let her know by Nov. 17 if they plan to participate in Small Business Saturday.
Reach Boggess by calling her office at 270-887-4285, or email her at
Jennifer P. Brown is co-founder, publisher and editor of Hoptown Chronicle. You can reach her at Brown was a reporter and editor at the Kentucky New Era, where she worked for 30 years. She is a co-chair of the national advisory board to the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, governing board past president for the Kentucky Historical Society, and co-founder of the Kentucky Open Government Coalition. She serves on the Hopkinsville History Foundation's board.