Silas Laycock

Silas Laycock is a Professor of Astronomy at UMass Lowell, which he joined in Fall 2010, following postdoctoral research at Gemini Observatory and Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Laycock completed his Ph.D. in Astronomy at the University of Southampton, UK in 2002. His research is focused on Pulsars, Black Holes, Binary Stars, X-rays, High Energy Radiation, Optical Spectroscopy and Adaptive Optics.

The first Webb image the world saw is of a galaxy cluster 5.12 billion light-years from Earth.
By Silas Laycock
This photo shows gravitational lensing and many bright galaxies, but the smaller, fainter, less distinct galaxies in this image are some of the oldest light ever detected by a human-made object. (NASA image)