Rachel Collins

President Bob Jackson said he had not met one student or faculty member at the beginning of the semester who wasn't excited to be back on campus.
By Rachel Collins
Beaton is a partner at Squire Patton Boggs LLP, where he co-chairs the firm’s Appellate and Supreme Court practice group. After law school, he was a clerk to U.S. Supreme Court served as a law clerk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
By Rachel Collins
Former classmate Mason Cosner, who spoke during the court hearing, recalled recovering from the damage of a bullet tearing through the left side of his face, shattering his jaw and permanently damaging one of his arteries.
By Rachel Collins
Areas include Lake Barkley, Lake Cumberland, Laurel River Lakes and Martins Fork Lake in Kentucky.
By Rachel Collins
As part of a phased approach for reopening facilities as part of its COVID-19 reopening plan, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District is opening its corps-managed campgrounds within the Cumberland River Basin in Tennessee June 1, 2020.  Nashville District’s corps-managed campgrounds in Kentucky will reopen June 11 in alignment with Kentucky’s Phase 2 reopening plan. This is a campsite at Lock C Campground on the shoreline of Cheatham Lake in Ashland City, Tennessee, during a past recreation season. (USACE Photo by Leon Roberts)
A letter initiated by South Carolina's attorney general was sent May 9 to the leadership of the House and Senate Foreign Relations committees.
By Rachel Collins
Daniel Jay Cameron
Police said they found numerous firearms and materials to assemble a hand grenade in the man's residence.
By Rachel Collins
Some of the trial witnesses are doctors at Vanderbilt in Nashville, and it could be several weeks before they are available.
By Rachel Collins
The emergency cash relief includes $6.3 million for Murray State University and $1.3 million for Hopkinsville Community College.
By Rachel Collins
The lawsuit alleges the dispatch director was working out of a separate office in the courthouse but did not tell his employees it was because he was concerned the virus would spread in the dispatch center.
By Rachel Collins
The dispatcher said she wasn't informed until later that she had worked in close proximity to someone who had a family member who tested positive for COVID-19.
By Rachel Collins
Marshall County Judicial Facility Benton_COVID-19
The county's number of confirmed cases climbed from two to 26 in five days.
By Rachel Collins
Hopkins County Courthouse_COVID-19 coronavirus hotbed
Officials believe the woman could have been exposed to the virus when she attended a church service in Murray.
By Rachel Collins
President Bob Jackson said he had not met one student or faculty member at the beginning of the semester who wasn't excited to be back on campus.
By Rachel Collins
Beaton is a partner at Squire Patton Boggs LLP, where he co-chairs the firm’s Appellate and Supreme Court practice group. After law school, he was a clerk to U.S. Supreme Court served as a law clerk to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
By Rachel Collins
Former classmate Mason Cosner, who spoke during the court hearing, recalled recovering from the damage of a bullet tearing through the left side of his face, shattering his jaw and permanently damaging one of his arteries.
By Rachel Collins
Areas include Lake Barkley, Lake Cumberland, Laurel River Lakes and Martins Fork Lake in Kentucky.
By Rachel Collins
As part of a phased approach for reopening facilities as part of its COVID-19 reopening plan, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District is opening its corps-managed campgrounds within the Cumberland River Basin in Tennessee June 1, 2020.  Nashville District’s corps-managed campgrounds in Kentucky will reopen June 11 in alignment with Kentucky’s Phase 2 reopening plan. This is a campsite at Lock C Campground on the shoreline of Cheatham Lake in Ashland City, Tennessee, during a past recreation season. (USACE Photo by Leon Roberts)
A letter initiated by South Carolina's attorney general was sent May 9 to the leadership of the House and Senate Foreign Relations committees.
By Rachel Collins
Daniel Jay Cameron
Police said they found numerous firearms and materials to assemble a hand grenade in the man's residence.
By Rachel Collins
Some of the trial witnesses are doctors at Vanderbilt in Nashville, and it could be several weeks before they are available.
By Rachel Collins
The emergency cash relief includes $6.3 million for Murray State University and $1.3 million for Hopkinsville Community College.
By Rachel Collins
The lawsuit alleges the dispatch director was working out of a separate office in the courthouse but did not tell his employees it was because he was concerned the virus would spread in the dispatch center.
By Rachel Collins
The dispatcher said she wasn't informed until later that she had worked in close proximity to someone who had a family member who tested positive for COVID-19.
By Rachel Collins
Marshall County Judicial Facility Benton_COVID-19
The county's number of confirmed cases climbed from two to 26 in five days.
By Rachel Collins
Hopkins County Courthouse_COVID-19 coronavirus hotbed
Officials believe the woman could have been exposed to the virus when she attended a church service in Murray.
By Rachel Collins