Laura Blessing

Laura Blessing, Ph.D. is a Senior Fellow at the Government Affairs Institute (GAI) at Georgetown University and also teaches in the McCourt School of Public Policy. Prior to coming to GAI, she earned her PhD from the University of Virginia, where she was also a Miller Center National Fellow and a fellow for the Bankard Fund for Political Economy. Her interests include institutions, political parties, and policy, particularly tax and budget. She has worked on the Hill as an American Political Science Association (APSA) Congressional Fellow, serving as the legislative assistant for tax policy for a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee. She has published on the eroding budget process, tax policy in the 2016 Presidential campaign, social movements and the Presidency, and the importance of practical experience in politics informing scholarship. She has engaged in congressional testimony and other public commentary on politics in various media venues, including NPR’s Marketplace, CSPAN, and other politics outlets. She is currently working on a book on the politics of tax policy from the midcentury period to today.