Jack Brammer

Jack Brammer, a native of Maysville, has been a news reporter in Kentucky since 1976. He worked two years for The Sentinel-News in Shelbyville and then from 1978 to 2021 in the Lexington Herald-Leader’s Frankfort bureau. After retiring in December 2021 from the Herald-Leader, he became a freelance writer for various publications. Brammer has a master’s degree in communications from the University of Kentucky and is a member of the Kentucky Journalism Hall of Fame.

The change in driver’s licensing stems from a state law that was enacted in 2021 but does not take effect until 2025. 
By Jack Brammer
Matt Cole, commissioner of the Kentucky Department of Vehicle Regulation, explains the new vision screening requirement earlier this year. (Kentucky Transportation Cabinet photo)
The former Kentucky secretary of state attended Democratic National Convention, raising speculation about another U.S. Senate run.
By Jack Brammer
Alison Lundergan Grimes
She called the judge’s order “a victory for my staff, my administration and our work.” The commission had been investigating Grimes for several years.
By Jack Brammer
Alison Lundergan Grimes
Julian Carroll was Kentucky’s governor, House speaker and a state senator. At 92, he is in hospice care.
By Jack Brammer
Julian Carroll
Two women, Democrat Kim Reeder and Republican Allison Ball, are vying to replace Mike Harmon as state auditor in the Nov. 7 general election.
By Jack Brammer
Kentucky State Auditor candidates Democrat Kim Reeder, left, and Republican Treasurer Allison Ball, right. (Photos provided)
Former Democratic lawmaker Charles ‘Buddy’ Wheatley is challenging Republican incumbent Michael Adams.
By Jack Brammer
voter walking into polling place on election day
The race for secretary of state was one of five state constitutional races Tuesday other than governor setting up this fall’s statewide races. Here's more on the statewide results.
By Jack Brammer
Michael Adams headshot
Beshear and the Republican nominee, Daniel Cameron, will face off in the general election.
By Jack Brammer
Voters are deciding primary races for secretary of state, attorney general, agriculture commissioner, treasurer and state auditor.
By Jack Brammer
polling place