Ariana Figueroa

Ariana covers the nation’s capital for States Newsroom. Her areas of coverage include politics and policy, lobbying, elections and campaign finance.

A Department of Labor final rule means millions of salaried workers who are employed in the executive, administrative or professional industries will become eligible for overtime pay.
By Ariana Figueroa
(Unsplash stock image)
McConnell, who turned 82 last week, cited the death of his wife’s sister several weeks ago, as an event that prompted him to think about his future.
By Ariana Figueroa
Mitch McConnell
While Republicans have relentlessly attacked the plan as a "bailout," Wednesday's separate resolution forced vulnerable Democrats up for reelection in 2024 to take a public stance on the issue.
By Ariana Figueroa
student debt protestor
A Department of Labor final rule means millions of salaried workers who are employed in the executive, administrative or professional industries will become eligible for overtime pay.
By Ariana Figueroa
(Unsplash stock image)
McConnell, who turned 82 last week, cited the death of his wife’s sister several weeks ago, as an event that prompted him to think about his future.
By Ariana Figueroa
Mitch McConnell
While Republicans have relentlessly attacked the plan as a "bailout," Wednesday's separate resolution forced vulnerable Democrats up for reelection in 2024 to take a public stance on the issue.
By Ariana Figueroa
student debt protestor