History on Tap will feature the adventures of 10 traveling women in 1911

Alissa Keller will give the program on March 30 at Hopkinsville Brewing Co.

One of Alissa Keller’s best read columns from the “Snapshots in Time” series in Hoptown Chronicle will be the topic of the next History on Tap at Hopkinsville Brewing Co. It’s set for 6:30 p.m. Thursday, March 30.

Keller will weave the story of 10 local woman who embarked on a grand tour of the Northeast in 1911 with stops in Cincinnati, Niagara Falls and beyond. The trip was their prize in a subscription contest with the Kentucky New Era. 

“The story all starts with a photograph, but it takes us thousands of miles and to so many interesting locations,” Keller said in a press release.

1911 women
Ten women, who won a trip to Canada in a contest sponsored by the Kentucky Nee Era, posed for this photo in 1911. (From the collection of William T. Turner)

As executive director of the Museums of Historic Hopkinsville-Christian County, Keller writes the monthly “Snapshots” column for Hoptown Chronicle. Each column is inspired by a historic photograph or an artifact in the Pennyroyal Area Museum’s collection. 

History on Tap is a free series of talks sponsored by the museum at the brewery, where various speakers share stories in a “relaxed, fun setting,” said Keller. They are typically at 6:30 p.m. on the last Thursday of the month. 

Jennifer P. Brown is co-founder, publisher and editor of Hoptown Chronicle. You can reach her at editor@hoptownchronicle.org. Brown was a reporter and editor at the Kentucky New Era, where she worked for 30 years. She is a co-chair of the national advisory board to the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, governing board past president for the Kentucky Historical Society, and co-founder of the Kentucky Open Government Coalition. She serves on the Hopkinsville History Foundation's board.