Shaping the future of our community

Help us shape the agenda for Hopkinsville and Christian County.

Earlier this year, we announced that we’d be adopting a new approach to election coverage — an approach that shifts the focus from horse race politics and puts people at the center of campaign coverage.

So, we asked you to tell us what questions you wanted candidates to answer as they compete for your vote. 

Using your feedback, we’ve published the first draft of our “Citizens Agenda for Hopkinsville and Christian County.” It’s a working document, and we plan to continue to refine it — with your feedback — going forward, to ensure we get at the heart of issues that matter most to our community. 

This is just the first step. Today, we’re sending your questions to candidates running for mayor, city council, magistrate and judge-executive. We’ll publish their responses on our website in the coming weeks. 

Helping build an electorate that is informed about issues of substance is central to our mission as a non-profit newsroom. We know it’s a philosophy many of you value as well. That’s why we hope you spread the word about this project to help us build an agenda that reflects the concerns of our entire community. 

There are plenty of ways you can help: share this story with a friend, encourage them to provide input, mention Hoptown Chronicle to a colleague, or even just let us know about a person or group that you think might be interested in helping us shape Hoptown’s agenda.

Thank you for being a Hoptown Chronicle reader and for continuing to participate in important conversations like this one. We appreciate your perspective and support.

Julia Hunter is the engagement editor for Hoptown Chronicle. Reach her at