Council to meet virtually after city hall employees test positive for COVID-19

Members of the public who want to address the council about community issues may sign up before the meeting to call in during the livestreamed session.

Hopkinsville City Council’s next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 2., will be virtual rather than in-person because some employees at the municipal center recently tested positive for COVID-19.

Mayor Wendell Lynch told Hoptown Chronicle that “a few employees” had tested positive, so officials decided it would be best to not bring the council, staff and members of the public back into council chambers yet. 

In lieu of an in-person meeting, city officials are making arrangements for members of the public to give comments during the council’s livestreamed meeting. This will provide the same opportunity the council offers at its regular meetings, when a time is set aside for local residents to comment on city government and community issues.

Anyone who wants to comment must call 270-890-0212 before 5 p.m. Tuesday and leave their name and number on the public comment call list. The meeting begins at 6 p.m.

A staff member will call back and connect the caller to the meeting after the council is in session. Everyone who comments is asked to first state their name and address.

The format of future meetings will be determined on a meeting-by-meeting basis, according to a news release from the mayor’s office. 

The livestream will be available on the city’s website and its Facebook page. The meeting agenda is available here.

Jennifer P. Brown is co-founder, publisher and editor of Hoptown Chronicle. You can reach her at Brown was a reporter and editor at the Kentucky New Era, where she worked for 30 years. She is a co-chair of the national advisory board to the Institute for Rural Journalism and Community Issues, governing board past president for the Kentucky Historical Society, and co-founder of the Kentucky Open Government Coalition. She serves on the Hopkinsville History Foundation's board.