To the Editor, Hoptown Chronicle,
The Breaking Bread Community Dinner Church continues to serve those who are in need of a good meal. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we can only distribute meals to go, but we continue to include devotional pages and offer prayers and blessings wherever we can. The food is served from 5 to 5:30 p.m. every Thursday at the Aaron McNeil House.
Our numbers have increased; we are currently serving 65 to 75 meals each week. Along with the increase in the number of diners, there has been a substantial increase in food cost. Things like individual fruit cups have gone from $8 for 48 servings to $15 for 36 servings. In addition to financial help, we need physical help. We have a core of about eight people who continue to offer their time and talents, but a couple more hands or perhaps some meal prep would be helpful at this point.
Due to the restrictions brought on by this virus, Dinner Church is not what we had planned it to be, but I have always said, “Want to make God laugh, make plans.” So dinner church now is what God has directed it to be. Many dinner churches in the state have closed altogether, but we know people still need to eat, and they need to know someone cares. When it is not the best of times, we need to use the time in the best way we can. To do that, we need to follow the example of Jesus who fed those who came to seek Him. Right now the only way we can share the Gospel is with dinner, a smile and a prayer for better times.
My prayer now is that we do not make God laugh, but that we make Him proud as we serve those He sends to us, those who seek Jesus in the only way they are able. I pray we can continue to share the Gospel by “feeding His sheep.”
Those wanting to help the Breaking Bread Community Dinner Church may contact me at or call 773-848-5113
In God’s Service,
Donna Williams, Director
Breaking Bread Community Dinner Church, Hopkinsville
Donna Williams is the founder and director of Breaking Bread Community Dinner Church, a group that serves free supper every Thursday afternoon at Aaron McNeil House.