Natasha Sophia Francis


candidate for 

City Council, 
Ward 1
Natasha Francis, 55, of East Seventh Street, is seeking her second term as Ward 1 council member.

Which electoral system do you support for the city of Hopkinsville? Why?

Partisan elections. When someone lives in their specific ward, they are aware of what is needed to accomplish the improvements for citizens. Living in your ward, makes a council member familiar with the constituents on a personal bases so you can get the work completed with the help of public works and others.

What plans do you have to address blight and dilapidated structures in the city?

As a council member we are addressing the condition surrounding the whole city. We are work with inner-city REZ and other agency to improve places in need of repairs and improvement.

If elected, how would you help address the housing shortage?

My hope is the housing issues is temporary. As we progress forward, I am willing to work with the other council members and the mayor to build better homes as we expand our city for others.

If elected, how would you work together with government, nonprofit and business leaders to encourage economic development?

Working with others in the government is easy when you want the same outcome (to help our citizens). Nonprofit and business leaders recruit hard-working volunteers and community leaders. I believe people want to help build up our city, and as we do this our economy and jobs must grow.

If elected, how would you prioritize the reduction of gun violence in Hopkinsville?

Gun violence is a terrible reality we have be living with, and it is at the top of my list. Safety come first for our citizens.

If elected, how would you work to revitalize downtown Hopkinsville?

Downtown Hopkinsville has plenty of potential for our citizens. We have and will continue to support the uplifting of the heart of our city by fundraising and grants.