Support Us

We want to make independent journalism accessible to everyone who is interested in stories about Hopkinsville. To sustain — and grow — this ambitious effort for Hopkinsville, our nonprofit business model relies on donors.

If you like what we do, please consider becoming a sustaining member or making a one-time donation. Questions? Contact Hoptown Chronicle engagement editor Julia Hunter at

Make a donation

Donate by mail

Checks can be mailed to our office at:

Hoptown Chronicle​
612 S. Main St., Suite 203​
Hopkinsville, KY 42240

NewsMatch campaign

From now until December 31, NewsMatch will match your new monthly donation* 12 times OR double your one-time gift, up to $1,000 per person. If Hoptown Chronicle raises $13,000, NewsMatch will bring our total up to $26,000. Every dollar we raise will go toward bringing you journalism you can’t get anywhere else and will help keep Hoptown Chronicle going strong. Our goal for this year’s campaign is $20,000 (or $33,000 including matches).

*Donors that increase their monthly gift during the campaign period will have the value of the increase matched for its full-year value up to $1,000. For example, an existing member who decides to increase their gift from $10 to $15 a month would produce a $5 increase in their monthly contribution.

NewsMatch will only match new monthly recurring gifts. Annual and quarterly gifts will not be matched.

While NewsMatch only matches contributions from individuals, enhanced giving opporunities do exist for major donors, local businesses, and foundations interested in supporting your work. If you’re interested in learning more, contact us at

Giving levels

Pledge a monthly recurring donation of at least $10

Your support provides Hoptown Chronicle with important sustaining funds that help us produce independent journalism on an ongoing basis. Benefits include all Advocate benefits, plus exclusive, members-only reports and early notice of Hoptown Chronicle events devoted to discussing local issues, storytelling or local history.

Pledge a one-time donation of between $25 and $49

You’ll receive a Hoptown Chronicle decal to show your support of our mission and recognition on our supporter page.

Pledge a one-time donation of between $50 and $149

You’ll receive a Hoptown Chronicle decal and desk calendar featuring photos of downtown Hopkinsville to show your support of our mission. You’ll also get early notice of Hoptown Chronicle events and recognition on our supporter page.

Change Maker
Pledge a one-time donation of $150 or more

You’ll receive a Hoptown Chronicle decal, a desk calendar featuring photos of downtown Hopkinsville and a limited edition Hoptown Chronicle poster to show your support of our mission. You’ll also get early notice of Hoptown Chronicle events and recognition on our supporter page.